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PROtect Your World™  
Manufacturer of anti-terrorism vehicle access control barriers and conventional access control gates


Rainwater Issues Are a Thing of the Past

With some vehicle barrier companies rainwater drainage is an afterthought, resulting in insufficient water capacity, inadequate number of clean-outs, and little thought given to directing the water that is collected.  Such inattention to detail can seriously compromise vehicle barrier performance, leading to:

  • Silt and debris accumulation
  • Standing water
  • Frequent maintenance
  • Winter freeze / thaw cycle problems
  • Dramatically shortened barrier life

In contrast, the PRO-Drain™ rainwater collection and discharge system is integral to the design of our Arrestor model barrier.  Each Arrestor has eight separate drains that feed into a larger diameter cross drain that is sized for local rainwater conditions.  The cross drain carries the water to the field drain. 

Each Arrestor drain has a covered cleanout that channels dirt downgrade and is easily accessible for flushing or snaking the drain line if needed.  For sites with exceptionally high rainfall, an optional up-slope trench drain diverts most of the water before it even reaches the barrier.  




  Local regulations may dictate how the Arrestor drains can be plumbed into the cross drains, so the PRO-Drain™ system is easy to modify in the field to meet your local requirements.  PRO-Drain™ is yet another way that we add value to your vehicle barrier purchase, to give you years of trouble free service and lower overall vehicle barrier lifecycle costs.  By the way, this same drain system is used on our LightFoot model.